Is your team legal team wasting time on routine contract requests?
Is your business team complaining about internal bottlenecks for NDAs and other contract types?
Learn how you can streamline your contract processes and get back to doing more strategic work with SimpleDocs.
Here's what this video covers:
Let your business teams create and send contracts (Self-Serve Access) with one click.
Leverage AI-powered playbooks to accelerate routine contract review (SimpleAI) based on your own playbooks.
Invite your counterparty to negotiate directly in the review and sign flow (In-App Negotiations) to streamline your most routine points of negotiation.
Let your counterparties initiate the contract process and STOP attaching Word templates to your emails (SimpleForm).
Measure the speed to signature for each routine contract to identity bottlenecks (Insights Dashboard) and to flex your efficiency gains to the business.